Skills Training

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Beneficiaries of Skills Training

With a view to meet the aspirations of the war-disabled personnel, the Foundation is also imparting ‘skills training’ to them. We initially focused on skills like computer training, spoken English, repairs of small items like TV, radios, cycles etc. Based on the feedback, we have now made the ’skills’ open-ended, to include driving training and in other fields that appeal to these personnel. As some of the older war-disabled personnel were reluctant to learn new skills, we opened the field to their wards also, so that the financial position of these personnel improved through their sons and daughters. This has now become our major focus, as the acquisition of new skills appeals to the war-disabled personnel.

Over 60 War Disabled Personnel/ their NOK / wards were assisted in obtaining skills for employment. Some notable are:-

  1. L/Hav Subhash Chander of 9 Raj Rif from Haryana –Basic Computer Application Skills.
  2. Nk Sahib Singh of 196 Fd Regt from Punjab-Vehicle driving Course.
  3. Sep Shiv Kumar of 25 Punjab from Punjab-English Speaking Course.
  4. Nk Bhagat Singh of 16 Rajput from Uttar Pradesh- Basic Computer Application Skills.
  5. L/Hav Hardev Singh of 235 regt from Punjab – Refrigeration
  6. L/Hav Umesh Kumar of 14 JAT from Haryana – Welding
  7. Capt P Dhayalan of 8 Engr regt from Karnataka – English Speaking
  8. Sub Rigzin Dorje of 3 Ladakh Scouts from J&K – Vehicle Driving
  9. Hav Priyag Prashad Gupta of 4 Bihar from Bihar – Vehicle Repair
  10. Hav Santokh Singh of 25 Punjab from Punjab – Vehicle Driving